Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Busy Sunday

Today was Westin's second vist to church, and once again he did great! :) I'm so glad I have finally convinced Dustin to go, I want Westin to grow up with a church family because I didn't have one as a child.

There was a visitor today, a writer and singer of gospel music. I can't think of his name, but that isn't the important part, it was his story. He told everyone about why he decided to give his life to Jesus, and it was a really touching story, so I want to share. :)  He was involved in a terrible car accident around 7 years back, and said he was pronounced dead that night. He had a dislodged eye socket, broken back in 4 places, broken ribs, cracked skull, and other severe injuries. He doesn't remember anything, but does remember waking in the hospital, right after the doctors had pronounced him dead. What a miracle, or a blessing! The doctors had no explanation, but they said there was 18 minutes of no oxygen. He is now completelly healed. They told him he would more than likely never be able to walk, talk, feed himself, or live a normal life. Now he travels the world, doing everything he could before. AMAZING.

After church, we had our usual Sunday lunch with Westin's great grandparents, and Westin stuffed himself with french fries and Puffs.

After, was my best friend's baby shower. She's having a little girl, soon to be Westin's girlfriend. :) It was a really cute shower.

We came home and Westin and I took a VERY long and well-needed nap. :) My baby had a busy day.

Now, my 10 goals for the Coming Week. May 7th - 13th

1. Send in Avon order on time.
2. At least one TWO loads of laundry every single day.
3. Cook dinner at home every evening that Dustin is off work.
4. Return my rented text books, and sell the others.
5. Give Levi, our dog, a bath.
6. Work with Levi on house breaking more. We have to keep him crated while we aren't home because he likes to "forget" he can't potty inside.
7. Look up some 1st Birthday Party ideas.
8. "Mommy Time" Every. Single. Day. :) 10 minutes, an hour, I don't care.
9. Find Westin some walking shoes.
10. Go through all of our clothes and get rid of what we no longer wear. We're getting clutter, already.

Here's my iFunny for the day. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Goals/Flash Back Friday

I decided to start off my first actual posting with a goals list, which is something I really need to focus on, and actually do, so here goes....

1. First and foremost, I need to be all that I can for Westin. Everyday it just amazes me how much he really adores and looks up to me. He's growing up so fast, and I want to make sure I do everything right for him.

2. I REALLY have to get myself in to gear with school. I guess I'm just expecting all my work and studying to do itself, but it hit me hard today how much I've already messed up by procrastinating. If I plan on making something of myself, this will have to CHANGE.

3. Right now Dustin is working two jobs, and we're doing fine financially. But it's no fair to him to have to do that to keep our family comfortable. I need to suck it up and let Westin be babysat and just go get a job.

4. I WANT to get myself back in to shape. After Westin was born, I lost all the baby weight, and now I'm slowly starting to gain it back. If I don't take care of it soon, I probably never will.

Technically, for me it's still Friday because I haven't gone to bed yet. So I'm doing my Flash Back Friday post.

...I never pictured myself to be a mom, and I actually didn't think I wanted kids. Westin came as a bit of a surprise, but he was the best surprise of my life. I was so scared the day we brought him home. That first night, I didn't sleep at all because I was so afraid I wouldn't wake up when he cried. I stayed awake for most of that first week actually. Now, almost ten months later, he is absolutely perfect. He's so smart, and so advanced -I'm just amazed by him. :)