Saturday, July 6, 2013

Turning Two!

We're fast approaching my little man's SECOND birthday! We're doing a Mickey Mouse Theme, which is his absolute favorite character right now. I actually HANDMADE all of his invitations from an idea I got from Pinterest. We're planning to have an outside party this year, so we're hoping the rain stays away. This is the idea I used for his invitations!

A lot has happened since I've last updated on here, so I'll just fill in some of the important stuff. I started a new job in September at Community Trust Bank, which meant that Westin had to start daycare. He loves it! He's so smart, when we ask him how old he is going to be he shouts, "Two!" Daycare has advanced him a lot, and we have great communication with his teachers, so they are filling us in on what they are practicing so that we can do the same at home. He knows some of his colors; blue, red, green, and yellow. He can count to five, with a little help, (He always forgets four!) He is able to point out most of the common animals like, dog, fish, cat, cow, horse, snake, monkey (which he mistakenly calls "mommy.") He is a mommy's boy, but his daddy is starting to become is best friend. :)

Westin also got his first hair cut since I've last posted on here, and it went great! He sat perfectly still, but of course he had to sit in mommy's lap. Can you all believe that they said he "graduated from babyhood? Nooo.... . He's still My baby. :(

We've also found out that he loves to go fishing, and really enjoys being on the boat. He always has to drive, but he accidently threw his pole overboard..

He's also became mommy's handy man around the house. He's always such a big helper!

We've been spending a lot of time outside, since he loves the sunshine! We bought him a Cars mini 4-wheeler, and he loves it! He could ride around all day long!

I've had a hard time realizing that my little tiny baby is not a baby anymore. He's so independent, and acts like he never needs my help. He wants to do everything on his own. :( I need him to stay little for a few more years, that's why he promised me he would stay two forever. He said "Pwomise." <3

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